Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My Sins are Gone

When the Lord forgives, the sin is gone. Your tendency has been hold tight to the memory of past sin and even to magnify it in order to punish yourself. You do this out of the mistaken idea that this will prevent further sin, but the opposite is true. You place yourself under the demands of the law rather than choosing to walk in the light of God's grace.

Self-punishment is ineffective. Staying clean before the Lord does not entail self-analysis. “Search me O God and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me...” (Psalm 139:23-24). This is a picture of release. Dear One, it is ever your mode of operation to attempt to take the reins of control over your own sin. You understand release in other areas of your life, but it is in the area of your own heart and yes, your own behaviors that God wants you to learn to practice release. Lay back in His arms and rest. You wear yourself out and you actually manage to weary the Almighty God with your constant thoughts of how you might improve yourself.

God understands human frailty. He sent His only Son to save you from sin born of exhaustion and fear. You feel despair because giving way to sin weakens the ability to resist further sin. It is then you must depend upon His grace. When you can’t save yourself, you need a Savior. He is your ace in the hole, your hidden blessing; your way out when no way seems possible.

Grace is not a goal that you must work hard to obtain. God's grace has covered you, His power has infilled you, His presence has sustained you, and His strength has enabled you to walk the path He's engineered for you. You ever hope to attain a standard that you have already achieved; God is with you, His grace has covered you; you may rest in Him.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Both this post and the one below speak to struggles I continually face. My Mark Virkler Bible study said, "The only alternative to relationship (with Jesus) is law." If I refuse to press into Jesus, then I am left with self-created rules and goals that I can never accomplish. Relationship requires hard work, and I struggle with laziness as well as clinging to self. But I am realizing more and more that relationship with Jesus is the ONLY path to fulfillment and joy.
I find it so interesting how the Lord is speaking to both of us about the same thing. Cool.