Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Look to the Lord

In your interactions with other human beings, you are afraid of rejection. You now find yourself at an impasse between yourself and one who needs your love, because fear of rejection is at work on both sides. You must make the first move, and follow it with a second move, and another, and another. Acts of love; intentional, confident, calm. The Lord will help you.

You say that your spontaneity has been crushed by the negative words and actions of others; then do not be manipulated by other peoples’ reactions. Dance to the music the Lord has placed within your heart and mind, and trust that initial responses may not be accurate indicators of heart responses.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Resurrection Life

Focus upon resurrection life day by day, and do not dwell in a grief-stricken way upon the pathos of a man born to die for the sins of the world. The Cross stands at the center of eternity as a symbol of Christ's passion to obey His Heavenly Father, but it is the fruit Christ brought forth on that Cross that gives hope to your heart. Jesus has been resurrected as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Do not weep for the man who died. You did not know him as a human being. He does not mean you to bear the grief the disciples bore, or to focus upon human grief. The crucifixion occurred in one moment in time, but for all of eternity the Resurrection resounds with His victory song. Do you not hear it? This is cause for rejoicing, not for tears.

Remember Good Friday one day a year, and honor it as the pivotal Holy event on the time line of mankind; but take the Resurrection with you every day into eternity.