Monday, July 18, 2011

All Have Sinned

Don't be a whitewashed wall. The wall was crumbling away, but the builders painted over its flaws to make it appear better than it was (Ezekiel 13:10-16). You may possess greater skill at hiding your sin than the ones who have cost you pain, but the sin itself is no different than theirs.

You are upset and have difficulty admitting that the same sin that hurt you so badly in others is present in you. You feel devastated, as though to admit you are guilty of this same brand of sin dis-acknowledges the fact that you suffered at their hands. Think of it this way: if a child runs into the path of a car because he did not look both ways, and if the resulting accident is the child's fault, does a loving father withhold aid? NO!

Grace does not depend upon the one who is in need, but upon the One who grants the gift. Mercy does not depend on the one who cries out for help, but upon the One who is the source of all mercy and grace. God sees the state of the heart. You are under grace; you have received mercy, He is with you.

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