Saturday, April 12, 2014

Do You Feel You've Missed the Boat??

 What "boat" have you missed?  Is it the vessel labeled “becoming strong  and successful by my own efforts?” Or perhaps the one inscribed, “In my own power, I arose from adversity and became more wonderful than I was before.”  Yes, you have missed those rides because the Lord has placed them out of your reach. 

Here is the boat you are in:  “Sinner Saved by Grace and Heaven Bound.”  You are in good company with your fellow passengers; all who have accepted the free gift of salvation through Christ Jesus are "in the same boat."  

Praise God for His faithfulness!  Praise Him for providing you a way to eternal life!  By the the purification of the Blood of Christ through the Love of God and the power of the Holy Spirit, you have been saved.  Your role is one of acceptance of a gift given you.  You do not have to earn your own way, it has been purchased for you.  Gratitude (as opposed to the restlessness that stems from your need to achieve)  is the appropriate response to this gift of incomparable value. 

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