Tuesday, September 2, 2014


You have not exaggerated your loved ones' difficulties or your own.  The only error you make is one of reasoning; you believe that such challenges are unusual, possible to avoid if different people or circumstances were involved.  Sorrow is not unusual and is impossible to avoid.

However, your need isn't less urgent simply because it stems from common sufferings.
One of the strategies Satan utilizes is that of portraying your pain as inconsequential because so many other people endure the same challenge.  This provides false comfort and a dismissive attitude toward suffering, neither of which are of the Lord. 

A refusal to trivialize that which should not be trivialized is a facet of the spiritual gift of discernment.  Apart from discernment, you label suffering with tags that trivialize its impact and encourages escapism. People who idolize escapism do not want to talk about suffering in any way that allows it the true sculpting and honing power God intends.  They don’t mind turning it into an experience they can use to impress others in order to elevate their own status, but to acknowledge the reality of pain opens the terrifying possibility that it may recur. And so they trivialize it so far as the suffering goes and magnify it in an almost humorous way as an attention drawing experience.

Very few people have courage to speak the truth about suffering.  If you choose to be one of those few, you will be invaluable as an intercessor and a friend. 


"Dear ones, don’t be surprised when you experience your trial by fire. It is not something strange and unusual..." 
1 Peter 4:12  The Voice

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