Friday, November 21, 2008

Start Now

If you design a plan with the goal of obtaining physical health for yourself, and follow the letter of your self-made law, you build a security based on false righteousness and self worship.

If you rightly decide that God's love is to be the focus of your life, but then with the intent of creating your own opportunities make a list of your idea of ways that you can serve Him, you once again fall to the deception that you can become righteous through a plan of your own making.

You are to be God's love in the midst of the circumstances in which HE has placed you. Your opportunity to serve the Lord does not wait for some future time in which you plan to be more fit, have more energy, or to have obtained opportunities to serve Him according to your own ideas of what constitutes great deeds for the Lord . Be His voice, His hands, and His heart today, in the circumstances that you are in.

Don't underestimate your Lord. He is more powerful any life decision you have made that you now view as having been "good" or "bad." His is the hand that has guided you to the exact place you find yourself today. Begin now, this instant. Fall back into His arms, and then press forward in His Name.

Scripture: "What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ" (Philippians 3:8).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"He is more powerful than any decision you have made..."
So much needed this blessed reminder today. Praise God for your commitment to Him. Your conviction to speak the truth in love as the Lord leads. We are all better because of it.
Love you Aunt Linda- Melody