Tuesday, May 15, 2012

He Will Not Disappoint

Leave off examining your heartache and stop describing the sins that have been done to you, not because your description is inaccurate, but because there is no fruit to be had in rehearsing the truth of how you were hurt.  

Let me tell you where to look for encouragement: look to obedience and its fruits!  Look to your own heart and stop worrying about the hearts of others, because, Child, so long as you wear this cloak of flesh you will be alone. You cannot obtain the communion and sustaining love you crave from other human beings. 

Human beings are always going to let you down, but you are going to be enabled to live quite happily in the midst of their failure to do what they ought to do for you because the Lord Himself is sustaining you. Your jar will not be empty and you will not lack bread, because He is your source of sustenance.

Do not make your happiness dependent on other people doing what they ought. Do what you ought and place all your hope in the Lord.  He will not disappoint you.

Scripture: "Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded,” declares the LORD" (Jeremiah 31:16). 

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